Embrace That Scripture As Your Own
The scriptures tell us that Timothy was a fearful young man. He was probably afraid because he recognized the calling of God that Paul the Apostle said was on his life, but he hadn't yet fully embraced it. Or, perhaps he was afraid because the scripture seems to bear witness that he was afraid to move into that calling.
Quite often, we look at the calling of God, and then we look in the mirror, and we fall so short of the ability to fulfill this calling that we start to draw back in fear. But Paul the Apostle told Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us a spirit of fear but power, love, and a sound mind.”
If you are battling with fear to do God's will today, embrace that scripture now as your own. God has a plan for you. Don't let anything take it from you. Talk to God about it today.
It's time to pray.